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Sound Healing inside a 24-unit EE System frequency healing

Come along on a journey as we offer our gifts in Victoria BC at Quanta Healing & Vitality. We are raising funds to build our Temple and working towards our own EE System on our land on Gabriola Island BC.

André Nobels and Sah'Rah Kerfoot are AnSah

André and Sah'Rah are AnSah. We are musicians and ceremonialists. Sound and song are our medicine. On December 21, 2023 we saw an interview with the inventor of a technology that sparked much excitement in us and activated our years-long intent to begin to build a temple on our land. Not only did the design ideas we had been calling in drop into our field of awareness, but also we boldly doubled the size of our temple plan to create space for an EE System of our own! The timing was perfect, inspiration received, vision evolving. The intent is to create a space for our community to experience and to combine our Sound Healing gifts with the beneficial bio-photonic and scalar energy fields generated by the tech. Each modality naturally enhancing the other to create a magnificent combination of Sound & Light!

Enter Quanta Healing and Vitality, who opened a 24-unit EE System in January 2023 in Victoria BC. We enjoyed our first session on their 3rd day of business! Our strong desire is affirmed every time we attend. The 2nd time we were there I really just wanted to sing, sing, sing - the signals were clear to propose that we offer a series of Sound Healing events at Quanta. This was perfectly aligned with Quanta expressing their interest in such events. There was no need to WAIT over a year for our own plans to come to fruition. Hazaa!

This blog will chronicle our experiences facilitating Sound Journeys at Quanta. Our first session sold out immediately, so we decided doubleheaders was the way to go! After choosing our dates we discovered that May 27th was the 1 year anniversary of Jason Shurka's viral interview with Dr. Sandra Rose Michael that launched a major awareness of the benefits of utilizing the EE System technology and inspired 270 centers to open worldwide in ONE YEAR.

Our first doubleheader was sold out though we ended up with a few empty seats from cancellations. Participants were mostly people we are very close to, kindred souls, some are actively helping to building our Temple. It was special. To bring our ceremonial sound experience out of the dark of the night and into the LIGHT was potent. It feels so dreamy to be there, bathed in the full spectrum DNA light codes, everyone's faces aglow with huge smiles or deep stillness and rest throughout the nearly 2-hour sessions. Imagine... dropping into an optimal meditative state nearly instantly upon settling in to your reclining chair, cozy in a blanket, immersed in the energies of the technology... We open with a prayer and begin to swoon you deeper into your heart space and feeling-body with a wide variety of sound and songs. Drawing upon our vast repertoire of medicine songs, wide array of instruments, and improvisational ability to call in the spirit of the moment.

You can watch some of the video testimonials we captured immediately after the sessions.

Oracle Reading during sessions

One card from the Beyond Lemuria Oracle Deck by Izzy Ivy was drawn for each group and read aloud at the end of the journey. They are so juicy it is worthy of documenting here!


The Sound of the Universe Beyond Lemuria Izzy Ivy

Life-changing experiences, glimpsing the great mystery, significant timing, pivotal moments, the Sri Yantra, the 'tuning fork' of universal consciousness, music, transcending mundane reality. This card signifies those pivotal moments that transcend belief, remind us of a greater reality and influence us so that life will never be the same again. The Sri Yantra is a powerful symbol, described as the tuning fork that connects us to universal consciousness. It is present in those aha moments - the fragments in time when life as we know it falls away to reveal a place outside mundane. It brings a sense of awe and overwhelms, and yet it feels so real that it jolts us back to our core for deeper remembering. It allows us to fathom our limitlessness. This card is also about music as a sacred tool. It speaks of the importance of having a sound track for our journey. Music was an essential aspect of ceremony in Lemuria as it bridged the gab between matter and non-matter. Even in this dimension, music opens the portals to an array of feelings and atmospheres. Bring more music into your life to expand your experience and shift your sense of ordinary reality. Having your world shaken up, even a little, can invite a deeper glimpse of the great mystery of your life. Aim to naturally imbue this awareness into your everyday existence so you can avoid the sudden wake up calls. Wake up to the hidden music, harmony and wonder in your multi-dimensional world.


Air Paradigm Shift Beyond Lemuria Izzy Ivy

An innovative way of existing, new earth energies, inspiring others, fresh air, flying higher than you have before, more expansive perspectives, consciousness shift. We are in a time of great change, and the speed of our evolution is increasing exponentially. With our advancing technology and ability to communicate, more knowledge and power are available to us, as individuals. than we have had for centuries. There are also more platforms where we can share this information. We have the ability to connect with the tribes who are making a difference, to connect with a web of change where our lights unite and increase. Information that was inaccessible, taboo or shrouded in mystery or initiation especially in the healing arts, is now available. We can engage many tools as we build energetic sovereignty and create pockets where we can choose to make big changes in our communities. We can inspire others, connect the dots and receive and share the knowledge and tools needed for transformation. As we wake up, we can't help but awaken those around us. It may start with an inquiry on what this fresh, new and long-awaited breath in is all about. An expansive being holds a tiny heart-shaped seedling. When the foundations we build come from a place of love over fear, we will see huge positive changes in the world. We can start with ourselves. Themes: communication, sharing wisdom, the breath of life, movement, faith, winged helpers, intention, inspiration, change.

Personal Experiences integrating EE System frequency healing

André and I notice that we tend to get really high energy after a session, quite bubbly and excited - it certainly helps that sharing our music is our greatest passion. It's certainly a quantum experience! We travel home on Sunday afternoon, about 3 hours and once we are home and settle our family a new feeling of exhaustion creeps in. As soon as we feel our energy drop we know it's time to get into the sea salt & baking soda detox bath recommended by EE System. The bath brought some energy back and the base line state of consciousness is very unique. There was a distinct calm, with the mind/brain feeling extremely well balanced. Yet also such a buzzing electrical charge of high energy flowing through the body. Calm mind, hyper-charged cells! Personal pieces that need processing rise effortlessly to the surface. We both could audibly hear at least 2 frequencies, not quite like ringing ears because the sound seemed to come from above our heads rather than inside our heads. Sleep was deep and groggy waking. I can really feel the detox in the days to follow, staying hydrated is crucial. We are so blessed to get to explore how our bodies respond to the EE System technology, and lean in to the inspired belief that "The Power that Creates the Body Heals the Body" says Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, inventor of EE System. Empowering us as individuals to take responsibility for our health and wellness. To learn that our bodies have the means to heal themselves (indeed it's always Self that can heal self) once brought into optimal beneficial frequencies, such as we would naturally be surrounded by in an unpolluted environment.

For more links of interest see

I will use this space to continue to share more information about the EE System as we go, and our group experiences at the Sound Healing sessions at Quanta Healing & Vitality in Victoria BC.

Our next sessions are booking now, want to join us?

Sound Healing at Quanta in Victoria poster


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