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Blue Apples 2006-2024 History

Blue Apples Metaphysical and Wellness

As we build our Temple which will house Blue Apples in the future, I reflect on my business and all of its facets. How it was birthed, how it has shape-shifted through various locations through 18 years, and I continue to dream into what it will soon be.

In 2005, at age 23, I began offering energy work (Reiki with crystals) with a small collective of practitioners. We found a commercial space at Silva Bay in 2006 to open a Natural Wellness Center and I created an inventory of items that I was recommending to my clients such as crystals, books, and oracles. These were my early days of making crystal jewelry and I sold it at farmer's markets, so now I had a space to display and offer it regularly. Blue Apples began in a lobby of a Wellness Center we co-created, it was a beautiful place looking towards the marina. My first born daughter was 3 and she would come with me to work. I was a stay-at-home Mom, until I created Blue Apples, and it remains a family affair. 

My life became intimately inspired by, guided by, and thoroughly entangled (in the best way) with plant medicine work in the same year that I opened my business. In those first years of attending ceremonies I was undergoing intense ceremonial initiations finding my voice and my confidence, and loving the depth of beauty and creative expression I was able to explore while my daily life was blessed with my own pace of self employment and raising my first child. My life, my art, my music, my business, my family, are all inseparably One. There is a harmony, and transparency in the trust that following my excitement and passion will always provide what is needed next, and it has. An adventure to a world-class Alpha biofeedback training at Biocybernaut inspired an exponential level of awareness that technology could be used to access the same states of consciousness that the meditations and plants were guiding me to. Even then, in those first few years, I felt a strong resonance that Blue Apples would run some form of beneficial technology.

When I started out, Amazon had not cornered the market on books yet (and everything else for that matter) and I loved my giant bookshelf at Blue Apples full of the most interesting topics. Close friends were made thanks to conversations started at that book shelf! Indeed, I learned quickly that the greatest function of my business was in helping me to "find the others." After all, I was new to a small island community. I also enjoyed having the space to host meditation groups, and invite teachers to share their work with my community. It made sense to host classes on anything I wanted to learn! This greatly expanded my finding of the others, as kindred folks are interested in retreating to beautiful Gabriola Island to take (or teach) a workshop. I was discovering my natural tendency to network and connect people to each other, with my attention to detail in communication.

When the Wellness Center backed out of the space, I was faced with much higher rent than was appropriate for such a tiny shop on a tiny island. I took a temporary opportunity to move even closer to the marina dock with some artist friends. The rent was dirt cheap, the shared space was smaller than my kitchen, and it was fun but short lived! There was a new commercial development happening in the village core of Gabriola, and I snapped up the opportunity to have customized space for my shop, with a treatment room! In those days, my energy work had transformed to include sound. I was offering Acutonics sessions with tuning forks, a modality I had learned in workshops that I hosted. The sessions I was offering people, and the medicine work were both helping me to clear my own channels and bring more authenticity and confidence to the table. I have trained, been mentored, ordained, practiced, and dedicated myself to my healing path - it has all been to access the gifts I was born with by stripping away all that was not me. I am so grateful for my many beautiful teachers, though no one has taught me how to do what I do, or to be who I am. What they offered me of most value was being a resonant example of authenticity and heart-centered living.

2009-2011 I was also diving deep into life-changing mentorship experiences with The Living Chalice, journeying through years of Evolutionary Priestess and New Earth Avatar training with other budding women in the greater island communities. My gifts were seen, held, and nurtured, and I forged a new solid footing in how I naturally held space for people. The energy and sound work I offered people began to shift to include my voice as a prominent instrument. I was in my first band since my youthful bass guitar punk rock days! Singing was definitely a newly remembered super-power. A couple of years were all I could manage in the big fancy space for Blue Apples. 2010-2012? The cost of rent was far greater than I could manage with such a niche market on a very seasonal island without any significant start up money. It was time to pack it in, Blue Apples shrank down to its smallest iteration in those days - one extra large shelf of books and crystals for sale in my living room! I would still pack up and sell at events, fairs, and markets, so Blue Apples continued on.

In 2014 Blue Apples began to expand again, I had moved into a home with a spare room! Clients would visit by appointment, and I continued to sell at special events. My energy and sound work took on a new dimension when I partnered with André and we began working together. We played house concerts, held ceremonies, or created individual and group sound healing journeys. I find it beyond special, the energy we hold together. There is such a safety and wholeness in the balance of masculine and feminine energies. At this time we were profoundly deepening our awareness of (and through) the technologies of the plants, and of (and through) music and intentional sound. Visions were swirling of a future temple to be built as we purchased the land we were living on.

I had since the beginning, but did not sell online until 2016. I created the website, slowly, slowly, I learned as I went. I take on all of the creative aspects from website, design, posters, developing product lines, labelling for my oils, all of it (after my ex-partner the graphics wizard certainly helped me in the early years). I have never paid the big tech names a dime for advertising. I just cannot. I ran my business throughout the big tech shifts and I saw how all of those companies who started out allowing people to advertise to their audience for nothing but the great effort it takes to do so were now removing your audience unless you paid! There's no doubt that I have remained "small" because I choose to do all of it myself, at my own pace, and of course live on a wee island! And then... in 2019 another blessing arrived, my second girl was born, André's first.

Early in 2023 we became extremely interested in the EE System technology (Energy Enhancement System) and began our Temple building project in earnest at the same time. With this synchronous collision of palpable forces we realized we would very much like to run our own EE System in our future temple, so we planned for bigger! We began offering (and continue to) monthly group Sound & Frequency journeys at Quanta Healing & Vitality in Victoria, who run a 24-unit system and provide a gorgeous space to gather. Offering our energy and sound work in such a pristine environment as generated by the EE System is something very special. The technologies of Light and Sound are merging. It is providing a clearing of the bodies to operate at higher levels. There is such a preciousness in witnessing each other's shifts, allowing and holding space for the greatest outcomes. It is an energetic cocoon-like field without the detrimental emfs, electronics, etc that we face on the daily. We take a sacred nurturing pause, we remind and remember to listen deeply, and our cells are literally charged up which readies and steadies our physical bodies for continuing on with our dreams, passions and visions. Our ongoing experiences with the EE System technology, the plant medicine technology, and the technologies of sound and music are what drives our creative impulse to build a Temple for the future of our work, and for our kin to gather and share their gifts too.

Perhaps I am looking to my past to acknowledge, see, and to dream what is to come. Always, creating and dreaming like the Fibonacci sequence, especially noticeable in big leap moments. I long for a greater clientele now that I have greater freedom (as a mother) and I have prepared for it. I have a strong foundation where I can offer unique experiences. I connect people with items they are seeking, yes, but it's so much more as I provide an environment and experience - this will be beyond next-level in our Temple space! I am filled with joy when sharing my love of crystals, and beauty in general. I love to connect with my clients, lend a listening ear, offer suggestions, create custom medicine tools, share stories, and build relationships. Whether you are looking to buy a crystal for yourself or as a gift, having custom jewelry made, or attending one of our Sound Healing events, I give my full presence to the task! I am blessed to meet the sweetest souls through my work. The truest success in my heart is in the quality of connections with my clients. I am deeply honoured to serve in this way.

"You are Gabriola Island's hidden gem!" I have been hearing this for many years from my wonderful clients. Word of mouth continues to be my natural way of expanding. Please, tell a friend. In general, online shopping can be so impersonal (if you let it), but I find great joy in taking your orders, packing, and shipping. I stand proudly behind everything I offer at Blue Apples and welcome your feedback, or your requests for additional products. Do you know I regularly order in specific crystals, books/oracle titles, essential oil singles, etc. for people that I otherwise do not have in my inventory? Please offer me your suggestions for additional goods I can source for you. I also love offering short videos or a live tour of inventory if you do not live close, so you can have a personal experience which I feel is important, especially when choosing special crystals or jewelry. I also can offer wholesale discounts for jewelry and my oil blends for people who would like to sell them. I also specially curate consignment items from brilliant artists.

Having a customized, divinely inspired Temple to grow into is over the top. We have really stepped in it now, right up to the plate! The technologies we have prayed for, for over a decade, are everywhere now. In the beginning, the name Blue Apples came to me from the Magdalene Grail Mysteries of Southern France. The toroidal shape of a blue apple is a spiritually meaningful symbol to me, it feels like home. Naturally, we are building a "toroidal" dome-shaped Temple space, playing and praying with EE Systems that create bio-active toroidal energy fields and wanting to do the same in our Temple! It's all so good and juicy. 

So... I ask, how may I be of service to you?

I very much look forward to having Blue Apples land at home in our Temple. This will be a one-of-a-kind customized sacred space for shopping the highest frequency items with a treatment room offering various healing modalities, and ceremonial and learning opportunities in the star-dome.

You can watch our building project and cheer us on as we go at our YouTube channel


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